uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10364

uTorrent è uno dei mogliori client per il download dei files .torrent; su ProgrammiPc.it è disponibile: la guida per sfruttare al meglio utorrent.

Changelog per la nuova versione 1.8 Beta 10364:

— 2008-05-20: Version 1.8 beta (build 10364)
– Change: grey out association buttons if associated
– Change: stagger PEX interval per-torrent
– Change: keep the RSS publication date after the torrent is added, for ‘Added On’
– Fix: (XP UPnP) no need to remove the mappings if they are the same port number
– Fix: crash when saving resume.dat with very large peer lists
– Fix: crash when a connection limit is hit and there is no “most inactive” peer and a local peer connection arrives

Download e link utili:

* Home Page uTorrent
* Download uTorrent 1.8 Beta 10364 (262Kb freeware)